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The Center of Attention Community Development Corporation
Mentorship Program


Leodis & Gloria Stidum - Founders


Meadow Lemon




Who: As the Center of Attention Dream Makers Coaches/ Mentors we view our role as an integral/supplemental program within the family support and educational systems here in the greater Portland metroplex.

Particularly providing support for those students who might find it challenging at times and are searching for some guidance and direction navigating school especially in this post-pandemic era.

What: The COA Dream Makers Student Opportunity Awareness Program is an outreach program that is inclusive, regardless of race, gender, socio-economic status and or preference.

Our Center of Attention mentor(s)/ coaches will develop and provide our participating youth with an encouraging, safe environment conducive to the enhancement of a successful learning environment and experience.

COA will continue to use our relational approach and Life Lesson experiences along with the use of guest speakers, job shadowing and internship, and One on One mentoring as our curriculum.

When: Meet once a week

Where: A location TBD …

As COA Dream Maker Coaches our goal is to help our students manage the stress and challenges of navigating JR. high through High school as we are rapidly approaching a new era “The Post Pandemic Era”. We here at COA feel it is essential that we provide programs that will discuss, recommend and assist in methods helping our participating students/youth make quality educational and vocational decisions. While encouraging them to take their place in society by exposing them to people and educational and vocational opportunities. Our efforts are and will continue to encourage our students to press through their daily challenges despite their race, gender, academic, social status, or any other affiliations that may cause them to feel the challenges of social or economic bias.


Student Opportunity Awareness Program


We will use DreamMakers Talks ( a series of live presentations arranged and facilitated by the COA Mentors/Coaches as an opportunity to show our participating students/youth not only the end result, but we will break it down to them on how to go about pursuing that career opportunity. In an effort to stimulate their critical thinking triggers and create the motivational and educational direction needed.

Our intentions are to utilize the Dream Maker Talks and or site visits in conjunction with our peer mentors and or COA staff serving as technical advisors.

Both will expound on the necessary courses and subjects needed to be mastered in order to pursue the desired skill and or profession.

You Can become a COA DreamMaker

One-time opportunities:

Lead a Career Workshop

Volunteer your time to help our COA participating youth connect their interests to a future career. Career workshops are an introduction into your industry. Lead the students in a fun hands-on activity, while sharing about your own career journey – and tap a few colleagues to join in with you! Just a couple hours of your day at our annual Career Fair can make a meaningful impact.

Host a Job Shadowing

Job shadowing are interactive workshops that give students in our DreamMakers Program a chance to connect their interests to a future career. We bring the students to you and help you plan the details! Job shadowing take place from 4:00pm –5:30pm on weekdays or during the day during school holidays.



Additional Services

Student/Parent engagement option (phase)

Youth/Student Intervention / liaison

Grade recovery


Life Skills Coaching